Silver Mist
Silver Mist
Silver Mist was a business which at its peak, employed sixty people and operated for about thirty years manufacturing self assembly greenhouses and sheds. The business grew from making tent pegs in the barn at Brewhouse Farm, consisting of 12-14 acres, had over time been worked by Webb, Newman and Rapley before being sold to George Bailey to establish a saw mill using second hand timber. The company soon had a contract to make amunition boxes for the army. A second area of the site was producing tent pegs, and in another area crates were manufactured for R. White's Lemonade. George Bailey's son Dr Alan Bailey a metallurgist established his own compnay on the site, Metaserve. When George died, Alan took over Silver Mist and his son Robert came into the business, The business declined for a number of reasons before closing in 1984, while Metaserve was sold to an American company and moved to Coventry.